Why do some people decide to leave a legacy gift to a non-profit organization? Well, there are many reasons, but for Jeff & Theresa, there’s one main reason – it’s the way they feel when they sit in the audience at every Transcendence Theatre performance. That feeling that they are in an enchanted setting with something very special going on, and they want everyone in the community to be able to experience that same swell of emotion.
Jeff & Theresa moved from Oakland to Oakmont just two short years ago, and quickly got acquainted with many Sonoma County attractions. They visited beautiful wineries, ate at amazing restaurants, and discovered several interesting little towns to explore. But nothing compared to that first night when they sat under the stars in the ruins of Jack London State Park and witnessed the magic of Transcendence Theatre.
So, although they are relative newbies to the area, they immediately got involved. Since that first incredible TTC performance, they have become avid volunteers, annual donors, and best of all, they put Transcendence Theatre in their will. According to Theresa, these shows “nurture our souls at this stage of our lives,” and they want to make it possible for the next generation to have the same opportunity afforded to them. They felt that leaving a legacy gift is one way to keep the performing arts alive and well for many years to come.
We want to give thanks to this extraordinary couple for their support, their loyalty, their generosity, and most of all, for helping to ensure that Transcendence Theatre will continue to make magic under the stars in the ruins of Jack London State Park…for all of us, for our children, and for their children.
If you are interested in finding out more, please visit our Planned Giving page, call Brad Surosky, Executive Director, at 877-424-1414, ext. 4, or email [email protected].