Transcendent Circle

Inspiring generations


Transcendence Theatre Company relies on the support of our community to ensure the long term success of our vision. Estate gifts are an important component of support that can secure our future.

By including a gift to Transcendence in your will or estate plan, or naming Transcendence a beneficiary of a life insurance policy or an IRA, you will help guarantee that Transcendence Theatre Company can continue to bring extraordinary experiences through performing arts, arts education, and community engagement programs to our community for generations to come. With your commitment, you will become a member of our Transcendent Circle…Inspiring Generations!

As a Transcendent Circle member, you will enjoy benefits such as:

  • Invitations to private celebratory events
  • Acknowledgement on our website and in our Season programs
  • Meetings with leadership to learn about Transcendence’s current activities and plans for the future

To help assure the future of Transcendence and learn more about how simple it is to make an estate gift, please contact Brad Surosky, Executive Director, at 877-424-1414, ext. 4, or email [email protected]

Please consult your estate planning attorney and/or tax professional regarding any legal and tax implications of your legacy gift.

Make a commitment now


Legacy giving is a way to make a gift to your charity of choice through thoughtful estate planning. A Legacy gift as part of an overall estate plan takes your needs as well as the needs of your loved ones into consideration, while helping support a cause or a charity that is personally meaningful to you.


The most common way of making a legacy gift is by designating Transcendence as a beneficiary in your will. Other options are designating Transcendence as a beneficiary of your retirement plan or life insurance policy. There are also other, more complex ways of setting up a legacy gift. Your attorney or financial planner may have suggestions that are best suited to your unique needs.


A legacy gift may enable you to make a much more significant gift than you may have thought possible. It can create opportunities to support your favorite organization or program in a very impactful way.


A legacy gift can create potential savings on capital gains taxes or estate taxes, lessening the financial burden on your family and loved ones. For instance, a legacy gift can reduce your estate tax liability. The assets that you transfer to Transcendence remain outside of your taxable estate.


Your gift can make a significant impact on Transcendence and help stabilize its long-term future. You also have the option to direct your gift to support a specific area of the Organization, such as Transcendence programs or scholarships. The Transcendence Development Office staff can assist you with the designation and provide suggested language for your will or codicil to identify for the area(s) you would like to support.


To name Transcendence, or of our programs in your will, you can include the following language:

I give (___ dollars/ __ percentage or all the residue of my estate) to the Transcendence Theater Company, a Delaware charitable organization, for the benefit of Transcendence Theatre Company.

To make a specific bequest, please contact Transcendence Development Office Staff for further details and language.


Leaving your retirement plan or IRA (or a portion of it) to Transcendence is a tax-wise gift. Naming Transcendence as the recipient of your retirement plan after your lifetime (or at the death of the survivor of you and your spouse) avoids all estate and income taxes on the plan assets. Similar benefits can apply when designating Transcendence as the beneficiary of your life insurance policy.

To make this gift, you simply notify your plan or policy administrator of your wish to change the beneficiary. A “change of beneficiary” form may be required, and your spouse may need to sign consent to the change of designation. The tax ID to identify Transcendence Theater Company as a designated beneficiary is:


If your spouse and children are currently the beneficiaries of your retirement plan or life insurance policy, you can continue to keep them as beneficiaries, and include Transcendence as the beneficiary of a portion of your plan or policy. Upon your death, the plan administrator can “cash out” Transcendence’s share without affecting your family’s portion, so that Transcendence, and your heirs, benefit from your financial planning and your generosity.

For more information, please contact the Transcendence Development Office at [email protected] or telephone Brad Surosky, Executive Director at 877-424-1414 ext.4


  1. Transcendence Theatre Company [“Transcendence”] solicits and accepts gifts that are consistent with its mission.
  2. Donations will generally be accepted from individuals, partnerships, corporations, foundations, government agencies, or other entities, without limitations.
  3. In the course of its regular fundraising activities, Transcendence will accept donations of money, real property, personal property, stock, and in-kind services. With marketable securities, Transcendence will sell the securities as soon as possible to avoid market adjustments.
  4. Certain types of gifts must be reviewed prior to acceptance due to the special liabilities they may pose for Transcendence. Examples of gifts which will be subject to review include gifts of real property, gifts of personal property, and gifts of securities.
  5. Transcendence honors, abides by and is in alignment with the DONOR BILL OF RIGHTS.

Special Thanks to our Transcendent Circle Members!

Inga Aksamit & Steve Mullen

Cindy Belluomini

Bradford Davis & Gary Masch

Harriet Derwingson

Whitney & Jeanette* Evans

Brian Fitzgibbons & Keith Gray

Susan & Jan Hoeffel

Malcolm Jones*

Andrew Koenigsberg & Rob Izzo

Amy Miller & Brad Surosky

Bob & Carole Nicholas

Piallat Family Revocable Living Trust

Valerie Pistole & Jeff Walter

Darren Post & Jeff Nguyen

Alan & Susan* Seidenfeld Charitable Trust

Vickie Soulier

Bob Stinson

Jeff Wolinsky & Theresa Noe


*In Memoriam